How To Make Money Online With Picoworkers - Everything is reviewed



 Picoworkers Review – Work on small jobs at home and get paid by employers.

What is Picoworkers? is a crowdsourcing site that lets employers find freelancers to complete once-off short-term small tasks (or micro jobs) or work on ongoing projects.

Another way to describe what Picoworkers: It’s a marketplace that connects freelancers all over the world to their clients. The clients may be a company, a startup, or an individual who requires some simple small jobs (or small tasks) to be completed, or who need to recruit freelancers who meet some skills to take on projects that last longer than a single day.


      Let’s go through Picoworkers step-by-step.

      Workers and Employers on Picoworkers

      • Small Jobs and Online Jobs
      • Small Jobs
      • Ongoing Jobs (or Projects)
      • Sign Up for Picoworkers
      • Can You Be Both an Employer and a Worker with Picoworkers?
      • Rating
      • Is Picoworkers Legit or a Scam?
      • How to Withdraw Money from Picoworkers?
      • Best Practices with Picoworkers
      • Websites Similar to Picoworkers


      The two roles on Picoworkers are Employers and Workers.

      The Employer Role: Employers are people who have tasks that need to be done, and are open to help by freelancers. On the Picoworkers website, employers may post new jobs that will require workers to complete. Once the tasks are submitted for completion by the workers, employers are to review the tasks.

      The Workers Role: Freelancers (or workers) are people who have time to take on small jobs or projects, and are capable of completing the jobs or projects that they have chosen to participate.


      On Picoworkers, jobs are classified into 2 main categories:

      • Small jobs

      • Ongoing jobs (or projects)


      Picoworkers has small jobs available for members (or freelancers) who are up for doing non-continuous, small tasks. The small tasks (or small jobs) don’t require work-from-home freelancers to commit for long hours, and usually require them to complete simple, easy and quick tasks.

      Think of the freelancer as a virtual assistant who can help an employer to do various but very simple tasks.

      Below are the different types of small jobs that are available on Picoworkers.

      Type 1: These are simple tasks that require mouse clicking when using a computer or laptop.

      Examples are:

      • Visit a website, and click a number of times specified by the employer.

      • Visit a specific URL, and click on a hyperlink on the web page.

      Type 2: Some jobs require more than clicking – For example, writing.

      Examples are:

      • Write a blog comment under a specific blog article.
        Write a review for a physical product (or item).

      • Write a review for a software or tool.

      • Post a comment under a specific Reddit post. This will require you having an active Reddit account.

      • Write a comment under a specific Instagram photo or video that was posted by another user. This will require you owning an active Instagram account.

      • Retweet a specific Tweet on Twitter. This will require you having an active Twitter account.

      • Post some comments on a specific topic in a forum. This will require you having an account in the specific forum.

      Type 3: Some small jobs require freelancers to have their own social media accounts.

      Examples are:

      • Follow a specific Pinterest account / profile.

      • Like a specific Facebook Fan page.

      • Share a Facebook post on your wall, that was published by another Facebook user.

      • Subscribe to a Youtube video.

      • Upvote a Reddit post.

      • Follow an Instagram profile.

      • Follow a specific Twitter account.

      Type 4: Some jobs require freelancers to register new accounts on some websites or social media, or subscribe to some mailing lists.

      Examples are:

      • Sign up a new account on

      • Register on MLM.

      • Subscribe to a weekly newsletter on a blog.

      Type 5: Some mini jobs require installing a software, an app, or a plugin.

      Examples are:

      • Install a specific Chrome plugin on your web browser.

      • Download software, and install it on your computer.

      • Download and install an app on your Android mobile phone.

      Type 6: Some small tasks are a combination of type 4 and 5 where freelancers are asked to install and register.

      Examples are:

      • Download and install an app on your Android mobile phone.

      • Sign up for a new account through the app with your email address.


      Projects (or ongoing jobs) are suitable for individuals (or freelancers) who possess certain skills (or have experience in certain areas). Freelancers who prefer working longer hours (or more days) to earn more money should try taking ongoing jobs.

      Ongoing jobs may be jobs that are more complicated. Examples of ongoing jobs:

      Someone may require website banner design for the next 6 months. Payment per task (i.e. per banner designed) maybe $5, up to 24 banners (which is $120).

      A company may require copywriting – The copywriter who takes the project must write 10 articles of 300 words each on the topic of kitchenware. Payment per task is $20 (i.e. per article) for a total of $200.

      An employer may need a freelancer to promote an app, and the objective is to get people to download and install the app on their iPhone. Payment per task maybe $2. The project is ongoing until the employer puts a stop to it.


      Signing up for Picoworkers is free. You simply fill in a typical sign-up form where you are required to provide this information:

      • Full name

      • Email

      • Password

      • Country of residence

      • Security question

      • Answer (to the security question)

      • Nickname

      • Profile page title – Other Picoworkers can see your profile.

      • About me – This is a brief description of yourself.

      When you’ve completed the registration (i.e. sign up), you’ll be given $0.75 credits to start with.


      Simply create one Picoworkers account, and you can be both Employer and a Worker.

      You don’t have to create two accounts i.e. One for the Employer role, and a second account for the Worker role. It is actually against the rules of use with Picoworkers when one person creates or owns two separate accounts.


      Why is rating important on Picoworkers?

      As a Picoworkers worker, you have to maintain a job success rate of over 75% to become eligible for new jobs. With the 75% benchmark, it actually means satisfying tasks. i.e. For all the jobs you’ve submitted for completion, you must get more than 75% satisfaction rating from all the employers.

      In short, rating does affect the opportunities for you to get new jobs.


      Picoworkers isn’t a scam and is legitimate.


      The withdrawal options available on Picoworkers are: Paypal, Payzaa, Skrill, Bitcoin, and more.

      As a worker, after you’ve earned at least ($ XYZ) balance, you can redeem from your balance.


      A worker (or freelancer) in theory can accept any jobs that are posted by employers.

      However, a worker should only accept jobs she is capable of completing. Once a worker accepts a job, she must do her best to complete it.

      After completion, the employer will be asked to review the submitted job.

      In some cases, if a worker is unable to finish a job, or has submitted a false proof of job completion, then she may red flag. After receiving 3 red flags, the worker’s Picoworkers account will be terminated.



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